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Zach Nichols

Hi, I'm Zach

I Like To Build Solutions

Juneau, Alaska by Zach Nichols

Zach Nichols

Software Developer from Indianapolis

I've always enjoyed improving the world around me, whether that means automating a repetitive office task or creating a personal gift registry website to make the Holidays a little less stressful.

This passion for finding solutions is what led me to Robotic Process Automation and ultimately to RoboSource. I may be new to the game, but I enjoy the collaborative environment and daily challenges that invoke curiosity and spark novel ideas.

Prior to bringing my tech stack up to speed at Eleven Fifty Academy, I studied Civil Engineering (Architectural) and Engineering Management at Purdue University. My 3+ years of experience as a Mechanical Engineer lend me a unique perspective when it comes to problem-solving and customer-oriented solutions.

My current tech stack includes .NET, C#, and Azure deployment, but I'm always open to learn more!

View My Resume linkedin github
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